Yahoo-Facebook Contacts Import

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Hey friends i am amazed to checkout new yahoo look. Yahoo does really done a great work..
Checkout yahoo users.:)
New Yahoo allows you to add your friends’ email addresses in Facebook to your Yahoo Contacts using "Facebook Connect"
So Lets get going gyes.


  • Open your yahoo account.
  • Goto Your Mail.
  • Click On Contacts.
  • Then Click On Import Contacts.
  • As before you were seeing import from gmail, windows live hotmail only.
  • Now Facebook also been added there Click on facebook and sign in with you facebook account,
  • Click on okay to share your facebook contacts to yahoo contacts.
  • Done, All your facbook contacts are imported to yahoo contacts also.
  • Enjoy...:)

Nikhil Singh
Nikhil is a passionate blogger and hacker aged 16.As an ambition to be a software engineer.He Likes to share his knowledge with the world. Is here on HMW since 15 / 08 / 2012.:
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