W3Schools Online Web Tutorials

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Hey friends many of the people over the world searches everyday for learning HTML, JavaScript, XML even more regarding Web Development. Today I'm sharing a way to learn Html , java , Sql and many other important languages which even i learnt from here.
The world's largest web developement site to get educated for beginners and experts too.

what you will find over the w3schools are as follows:-

  • HTML Tutorials- You can learn HTML5 here.
  • Browser Scripting- This will help you in learning javascript & More.
  • Server Scripting- Learn SQL, ASP, ADO & PHP.
  • ASP.NET- Learn to build Web pages and Website.
  • XML Tutorials- Used to Transport and Store Data.
"No words to say about this site & how much this helped me, you will know all about, so visit this site and start learning in a very simple way....."

Nikhil Singh
Nikhil is a passionate blogger and hacker aged 16.As an ambition to be a software engineer.He Likes to share his knowledge with the world. Is here on HMW since 15 / 08 / 2012.:
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