Advertisements, Now a days became the popular way to earn some money from websites or blogs. So on every popular website or blog you will see advertisements, Which we don't like when we browse those sites even watching any video on youtube we have to wait few seconds to see advertisements then the main video. So block Ads to appear in any websites by the most popular Chrome extension: AdBlock, and enjoy webpages without any advertisements in Google Chrome. Adblock automatically blocks video ads, banner ads, flash ads, Facebook ads, text ads and so more on any webpage to appear.
- Download AdBlock extension from Chrome web store by Clicking Here .
- Click on add to chrome and install the AdBlock extension.
- After completing installation, Open any web page that contain adveritisement.
- Now, you will see that page without any advertisements.
- Or play any video on youtube without waiting for Ads.
- Enjoy.
Screenshot of webpage Before and After installing AdBlock:
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