Play The Best Google Doodle. Star Trek Doodle. 100% functional

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Hi friends. Today Star Trek is celebrating its 40th Anniversary. So Google has honoured it by creating the best Google Doodle Ever for the Start Trek Celebration. So what;s Special About this Doodle ? Well there are many, Infact Google has bought it up like any Browser Game.


  • Cute Animated Characters to pay with.
  • Fully animated Browser-Game interference.
  • Click on the Red door in the right.
  • Now in this scren Click on the "e" for a cute animation and then click on the Computer to teleport "e" and "o" to an icy outerworld.
  • Now you need to choose wether you wanna use the Stone or the Tree as your Weapon. Click on either One.
  • This game just goes on and on fine. A Great Time-Pass when your Head is buzzing off or Internet is slow.


So gyes just go to and start playing it. *Limited Time Offer.

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