Microsoft Security Essentials- Free Antivirus For Windows.

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Many peoples are still unknown that microsoft launced antivirus for their windows user for free.
Still people searches for third-party free antivirus over internet. So, i thought to share this article among all of you.
I did checked it out, it works good and basically for home and small business users those who donot want to spend money on purchasing antivirus.
It helps to guard against viruses,spyware,and other evil software. It provides real-time protection for your computer.

  • Download microsoft security essentials by clicking here .
  • Select your operating system version.
  • Now Click on download.
  • Run the setup after download completes.
  • Install microsoft security essentials.
  • Installed, then restart your computer.
  • Then, Start Update for latest virus and spyware Definitions.
  • Done. Scan your system for viruses.

Nikhil Singh
Nikhil is a passionate blogger and hacker aged 16.As an ambition to be a software engineer.He Likes to share his knowledge with the world. Is here on HMW since 15 / 08 / 2012.:
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