Free Calls To USA and CANADA

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Now Call Free to your USA & CANADA friends or relative from anywhere.
As you all know GOOGLE launched calling services to any mobile number in world but it does costs for talking anywhere.
But for USA & CANADA  user it is free to call their countrymen.
Now its time to know other country people also if their friends or relatives lives in USA or CANADA,
They can also call them for free by doing some simple cheats by using USA proxy.
So follow the steps:-

Process 1:
  • Make a Gmail account  (In country select US- Recommended not necessary)
  • You must have Mozilla firefox browser.
  • If not download by clicking here .
  • Install Firefox.
  • Now, You hav to install FoxyProxy addon in you Firefox.
  • Get it by clicking here .
  • Add FoxyProxy Addon in your firefox browser and Restart your browser.
  • Now you have FoxyProxy in your browser.
  • Follow to setup FoxyProxy.
Setup FoxyProxy:
  • Open FoxyProxy Addon and click on Add New Proxy.
  • Choose Manual Proxy Configuration.
  • Enter Host or IP Address and Port Of  USA and click on ok.
  • You will see US proxy there and in select mode select that proxy for all URL.
  • Now your browser is running in US proxy.
Process 2:
  • Open your Gmail account and In Chat & Phone option click on Call Phone.
  • Diall Your USA or CANADA number And click on CALL.
  • You can call 3 hours to any number each time.
  • You can use Friends or Relative USA Proxy  or Get it From Free proxy server websites.
  • Else for best speed Buy from here . 
  • ENJOY.
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