Access anyones PC without knowing his password.

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Break into any PC in just 2 seconds.>

1. Let the pc start normally.

2. When Asked For A password, Press  ctrl+alt+del.
3. In the new screen that appears input the below data.:
    Username: Administrator.
    Password: blank.
4. Your PC will be unlocked in 2 seconds.

A little Longer process........

start the pc.
when the pc is booting. ( starting ). press F8.
you will be directed to " safe mode"
now let the pc start.
Go to start menu.
control panel.
user accounts.
now choose the original account, that ur friend or parents or anyone else have.
choose remove password.
reboot ur pc, or log on to that user, and u r done.
His whole system at your fingertips.

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