Use your USB as your computer password.

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Well so, we are talking about passwords? Do you know whats the most common thing about them? They all are decryptable, so today we are posting this article to let you know how you can use  your USB - Pen Drives as your password for your computer. didnt get it? Okay so what we mean is you will have to insert your USB to unlock or Lock your computer. After that you can relax, that as far as you've that USB in your pocket, no one is gonna sneak into your system.


. Download Predator from here [Password: hackcommunity ]

(REMEMBER: your PC must have Microsoft .NET for using Predator. And Keep your USB plugged in after the installation is completed.)

Then install the setup, open predator.exe file, the monitoring will be started.

But if you want to use it in a more fun way then R-click on the monitoring icon and do some settings there.That's it now you're on the go..!! 

(NOTE: Don't forget to Create the Key by going in the preferences option all you need to do is just to click on "create key" button.) 

What if you loose your USB?

2. When the screen goes black, click anywhere on the screen with the left mouse button, then press 3 times the Enter key to display the password dialog
3. Type your password: the session is released and the monitoring is suspended
4. Insert a blank flash drive
5. Right-click the PREDATOR icon that is in the taskbar and click the Preferences item and you're done!

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