Super Cool Orkut Trickz Part III

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View Locked Orkut Scrapbooks! 

Hey Friends, Many a time you visit someone's profile, and You cant View his scrapbook.

Because You are not his FRIEND!!

Well, Now You Can View Any Scrapbook in a very Very Simple way.

Go to the scrapbook you wanna view.

Copy the below Script and paste in your adress bar.

*NOTE replace "ProfileUID" with the userId of that person.

Press ENter. Lol the Scrapbook Is unlocked!!!

Send VOICE Scraps To Friends!!

Ya Friends Now you can send VOICE SCRAPS just the way you send written matarials! 

Just Copy the below script, and Scrap it to your friends!

<a style="left: 0px ! important; top: 0px ! important;" title="Click here to block this object with Adblock Plus" class="abp-objtab-09576843604463335 visible ontop" href=""></a><embed src="" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" name="music1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" align="middle" height="5" width="20"></embed>

And do you know what they will see when they view thier scrapbooks? they will HEAR something.

Try for yourself.

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