Some Coolest Internet Tricks!

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Search For your Query Fast, Fast, Faster On Google.

Whenever You search anything on google, You can notice that Some extra things add up automatically in ur seach results which you dont want. So here i'm giving a trik by which you can get EXACTLY the thing you want.

  • Whenever Searching anything on Google use quotes. "  " . eg. If you have to search for HACKING TRICKS then use " HACKING TRICKS " . This will show only those searches which are related to " HACKING TRICKS " .

  • One more Trick is that suppose you wanna seach for HACKING tricks But do not want Social Engeeneering Tricks You can use:  "HACKING TRICKS" - Social Engeeniering  .  And Suppose you want HACKING TRICKS and PHISHING tricks You Can Use " HACKING TRICKS " + Phishing. 

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